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Wills and Letters of Wishes

Putting an estate plan, including a Will and Letter of Wishes into action whilst you are alive and well will not only save your estate costs when the ineviatble time comes, but it will also help to alleviate the stress and heartache your loved ones will experience at that time of loss.


We can assist you to make a Will which reflects your wishes, as the Will maker.  Your personal representatives will thank you for taking the time now to put what you want in writing.  Without doing so, your loved ones may not receive what is rightfully theirs, or even worse, part of your estate could go to a relative you no longer have a relationship with.


All people need a Will regardless of age or position in life.  We can discuss with you who to have as executor and trustee of your estate, who to have as alternative executor and what that role means.


We can also assist you to decide who to leave your estate to, and discuss the risks and consequences.  We are here to simplify and demistfy the whole process.


Take control now, provide for your family, friends, or the charities or causes you want to, so that your estate is distributed exactly to your plan.  We can assist you with:


  • Wills - whether simple, or complex

  • Wills dealing with blended families

  • Testamentary trusts in Wills

  • Guardianship of children

  • Letters of Wishes to accompany Wills, setting out the Will maker's reasoning 


Please contact us if we can assist you.

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